Thursday, May 29, 2014

Setting vShield Edge Device Syslog via API

If you need to update your vSE devices to send traffic to a syslog server then you might be slightly disappointed to see that there are no instructions in the vCNS API guide to do this, especially if you have a bunch of edges. I experienced this same feeling today and am happy to say that now you don’t have to. Below are a quick couple scripts that will allow you to update single edges or a whole bunch at once using curl!

1. First off we need to get a list of our edge devices from the vCNS Manager. We will be using the edgeID acquired here to configure the syslog settings in a minute.

Get Edges

2. This list is a bit too much for our use so I’m going to parse it down to just the edgeID of all the devices.

vSE List

3. But I’m going to add them all to a text file (edges_test.txt) that I can parse later (code below):

curl -k -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXX" -X GET | xmllint --format - | grep "<id>edge-[0-9]*" | sed -n 's/<id>//p' | sed -n 's/<\/id>//p' > edges_test.txt

Now you have to make a decision, modify individual edges or all of them?

a. Let’s just edit one (MAKE SURE to set the edgeID in the below statement):

curl -k -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><syslog><enabled>true</enabled><protocol>udp</protocol><serverAddresses><ipAddress>XX.XX.XX.XX</ipAddress></serverAddresses></syslog>' -X PUT

b. Let’s edit them all! For this one I have a simple bash script that loops through the text file with all the edge devices and runs the curl statement against them.

Here’s the script:

while read edge; do
echo "Beginning Update on $edge"
curl -k -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><syslog><enabled>true</enabled><protocol>udp</protocol><serverAddresses><ipAddress>XX.XX.XX.XX</ipAddress></serverAddresses></syslog>' -X PUT$edge/syslog/config
echo "Ending Update on $edge"
sleep 5s
done < edges_test.txt

Really simple but very effective!

start script

Now all that is left is to verify the results:

curl -k -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXX" -X GET | xmllint --format -

Verify results

Have fun not having to use the UI :)

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